| Name | Description |
| Add | Overloaded. Adds (appends) an item to the list. |
| AddFast | Unsafe add method that adds the specified item and increases the count. Call the BeginFastAdd method before calling this method. |
| AddFastNoNull | Unsafe add method that adds the specified item and increases the count, unless it is null. Call the BeginFastAdd method before calling this method. |
| AddNoDuplicates | Overloaded. Adds a non duplicate item to the list |
| AddNoNull | Adds a non-null item to the list. |
| AddRange | Overloaded. Adds a range of items to this list. |
| AddRangeNoDuplicates | Overloaded. Adds a range of objects without adding duplicate ones. |
| BeginFastAdd | Call this method before calling the FastAdd method not more that the specified count. |
| BinarySearch | Overloaded. Searches for the index at which the item occurs by using a binary search. It is an user responsibility to first sort the list in ascending order. |
| BubbleSort | Overloaded. Sorts the entire list by using a default comparer and the bubble sort algorithm. |
| CastAll<TTarget> | Casts all items in this list to the specified target type. Returns a new list with the casted objects |
| ConvertAll<TOutput> | Converts all items in this list to the specified output type. Uses the given converter delegate for the conversion. |
| CopyTo | Overloaded. Copies the items of this array (from 0 to Count) to the specified target array (from 0). |
| Filter | Filters the elements of this list and returns a new list in which all elements satisfy the filter criteria |
| FilterCount | Determines the count of elements in this array, which satisfy the specified filter |
| FromItem | Creates a list that contains the specified item. |
| GetRange | Gets a range of items of this list |
| Insert | Inserts the specified item at the specified index |
| InsertRange | Overloaded. Inserts a range of items in the specified list at the specified index |
| PeekBack | Returns the last item from the deque, without removing it. |
| PeekFront | Returns the first item from the deque, without removing it. |
| PopBack | Removes and returns the last item from the deque. |
| PopFront | Removes and returns the first item from the deque. |
| PushBack | Pushes the item at the back of the deque (makes it the last item in the deque) |
| PushFront | Pushes the item at the front of the deque (makes it the first item in the deque) |
| Recycle | Recycles this object. |
| Remove | Overloaded. Removes the first occurrence of the specified item, if any. |
| RemoveAll | Removes all occurrence of the specified item. |
| RemoveAt | Removes the item at the given index from the list. |
| RemoveLast | Overloaded. Removes the last occurrence of the specified item. |
| RemoveRange | Removes the specified range of items from this list |
| Reverse | Overloaded. Reverses the items in this list |
| Shuffle | Randomly repositions the elements in this list using the Fisher-Yates algorithm AKA the Knuth Shuffle. It runs in O(n) time and shuffles in place, so it's better performing than the "sort by random" technique. |
| Sort | Overloaded. Sorts the entire list by using a default comparer and the quick sort algorithm. |
| Swap | Swaps this list content with the specified other list. |
| ToArray | Overloaded. Converts this list to system array of the corresponding type |
| TryGetFirst | Tries to get the first item that passes the specified filter. If filter is null the first item in the list is returned. |
| TryGetFirstIndex | Tries to get the index of the first item that passes the specified filter. If filter is null the index of the first item in the list is returned. |
| TryGetLast | Tries to get the last item that passes the specified filter. If filter is null the last item in the list is returned. |
| TryGetLastIndex | Tries to get the index of the last item that passes the specified filter. If filter is null the index of the last item in the list is returned. |